What is Welding Symbol?

Welding Symbols are certain instructions in form of images, diagrams, and graphs.

Welding Symbol Necessity

To achieve the correct result after laying welds as accuracy and design do matter.

Welding Symbol Defining Standards

2 main standards: ISO 2553 ANSI/AWS A2.4-98

Welding Symbol Elements

Arrow, Basic Welding Symbol, Dimensions, Finish Symbols, Reference Line, Process Specifications, Supplementary Weld Symbols, Tail,

Welding Symbols Types

Basic Symbols (groove or butt welds) Supplementary (convey additional information about the weld joints)

Weld Symbols Dimensions

Groove Welds (dimensions) Fillet Welds (Dimensions)

Welding Symbols Advantages

Ensure consistent quality/production, Handle complicated shape easily, Help in welding sequence programming, Imparts maximum efficiency, Provide strong welding joints, Results in less wastage of material, Save the time to complete the drawing,

Thus, Welding Symbols are important parts in any welding project.