AWS D1.1 Certification Meaning, Cost, Exam, Benefits

aws d1.1 certification

AWS D1.1 Certification is proof of welding skills, specific work experience, accuracy, and efficiency. Most of the reputed industries demand AWS D1.1 certified welders for their complex welding work activities. Generally, non-certified welders do not have the same capabilities as certified ones. As a result, the production may not be stable and overall quality may suffer. Therefore, the AWS D1.1 designation assures that employees have the required training, work efficiency, and experience to handle the challenging career ahead. In this article, read all about the AWS D1.1 designation process.

Post Highlights:

  • What is AWS D1.1 Certification?
  • AWS D1.1 Welding Code
  • AWS D1.1 Certification Cost
  • AWS D1.1 Certification Test
  • AWS Seminars Requirement
  • AWS D1.1 Certification Exam Pattern
  • AWS D1.1 Certification Renewal
  • AWS D1.1 Certification Advantages

What is AWS D1.1 Certification?

The American Welding Society provides various professional certifications including the D1.1 Certification. Aspiring people can undergo the AWS certification-obtaining process. It consists of applying, training, testing, passing, obtaining, and renewing as well.

AWS D1. 1 Certification imparts welders an identity of professionalism in a particular type of skill that may include fabrication, inspection, procedures, steel repairs, and designs. AWS exam covers all of the necessary skills a welder needs to become well-equipped.

AWS D1.1 Welding Code

Welding codes are some sort of instructions for certain types of metal structures. They guide welders or other professionals to get the desired production results with durability. AWS publishes and updates these codes with time as the demand arises and technology enhancements.

In 2020, AWS updated some of the codes and published them. The following link carries a detailed view of AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code (Steel).

AWS D1.1 Certification Cost

All the exams conducted by the American Welding Society have certain fees structure. The cost may vary as per the type/level of certification. The following are some general pricing guidelines for the certification.

Code Process Position/Plate Thickness Cost (US$)
AWS D1.1 All 3/8″ Thick, Vertical and Overhead – all positions up to 3/4″ thick US$ 460
AWS D1.1 All 3/8″ Thick, Vertical and Overhead – all positions unlimited US$ 520
Note: The price may vary from place to place or institute to institute

AWS D1.1 Certification Test Areas

The AWS D1.1 designation exam consists of four subjects namely material/design, fabrication, inspection, and qualification. All the subject weights are in conformance with the codebook examination requirements. See in the table below-

Code Applications Total Questions Percent
Fabrication 30%
Inspection 25%
Material/Design 10%
Qualification 30%

Note: This is the minimum required percentage for each category in the exam.

AWS D1.1 Certification Exam Pattern

The D1.1 Certification test will be conducted using computer-based testing. Candidates shall pass an open book written examination using AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel for answering. It consists of 50 multiple-choice questions to be completed in 2 hours.

Candidates must mark 72% correct answers to receive this endorsement.

There is also a provision of re-examinations for this endorsement and it shall be following section 6.2.5 of AWS QC1.

AWS Seminars Requirement

There are no mandatory training requirements for the exam. Yet, candidates are encouraged to attend a seminar for better understanding. They can also become familiar with AWS D1.1 through self-study.

AWS D1.1 Certification Renewal

Almost all the certifications issued by the American Welding Society have expiration dates or require renewal after certain times. The same applies to the Certifications issued under D1.1. codes. They require maintenance after every 6 months. The cost for renewal may vary. Recipients must also keep an auditable record of welding activity every 6 months.

AWS D1.1 Certification Advantages

There are many benefits of certifications for certificate holders, to the employer, and to the industry as well.

1. Proof of Accomplishment – It is an approved document of knowledge and experience against an approved set of welding standards and guidelines.

2. Badge of Achievement – The passing of a professional certification test reveals that you have foundational welding knowledge in that specialty.

3. Provides Competitive Edge – It gives the recipient a career edge over non-AWS-certified individuals. Additionally, it advances the career (jobs) to the next level.

4. Ger Better Living – The guys with AWS certification get smart hourly or monthly salaries. So, they can bring home more money for the family.

5. Proof of Impartial Validation – All AWS Certifications have a standardized method to issue. AWS checks candidates’ skills, abilities, and knowledge par at industry standards.


AWS D1.1 Certification is a cornerstone of excellence in structural welding. It ensures compliance with industry standards and the highest levels of safety and quality. This certification not only enhances credibility but also opens doors to advanced opportunities in manufacturing, construction, and inspection. As industries evolve, staying aligned with AWS D1.1 fosters innovation while maintaining safety and performance standards. Whether you’re a welder, inspector, or engineer, achieving AWS D1.1 designation underscores your commitment to excellence in the welding profession.

Related: Check Other Welding Certifications

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